Tropical Cyclone Cheneso

Tropical Cyclone Cheneso

The aftermath of devastating floods
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By Julien Connault
On-site Program Director
Feb 07, 2023
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In recent days, sudden and relentless rains have hit the northwest of the country causing severe flooding and resulting in 35 deaths, 15,000 displaced individuals and 120,000 affected. The region of Marovoay, in particular, remains almost cut off from the world, accessible only by canoe. The fear now is of famine and the risk of dysentery due to poor hygiene, with water contaminated by dead animals and overflowing latrines.

This type of heavy rainfall is common in Madagascar during the rainy season, with frequent cyclones. However, this time it didn't feel like a cyclone, but just violent, uninterrupted rain. The inhabitants were therefore not prepared, which partially explains the toll. Scientists have found that this is another effect of global warming. The rainfall in the region has become unpredictable and difficult to anticipate, alternating with periods of drought that have become more pronounced.

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Thankfully it wasn't too bad in Antananarivo: 10 days of uninterrupted light rain. We watched over the school and the sponsored children to ensure everyone was safe.